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Monday, December 26, 2016

"Marriage Vows are still valid during Company Christmas parties!"

The Company should have sent out a memo before the company's Christmas party saying :

"Marriage Vows are still valid during Company Christmas parties!"

Christmas Eve was our party & I've never seen a group of happier people Maybe because the booze is free & free flowing. OK it's not technically a company's party. It's my Boss, whose just the greatest & he invited us to his fabulous place for the celebration. The food was great, The turkey stuffing was out of the world wonderful & the wine. I think he has a friend who owns a vine yard or something so we have so much wine & everyone is just drowning themselves with it.

One thing lead to another. Well you should guess what happened next (hint hint... look at the title of this post!). People started to hook up, yup like really getting pretty close, touchy, touchy. These people are married or attached to someone else & that someone is not in the party 😭. Nobody really care a damn as most of us were pretty drunk & high by then But a look at the pictures hours later was a different story.

It's evidence people!!!! Should I destroy them, just in case ???? Should I share them on group chat? Am I the only one who took these pictures? Frankly the guys are not into taking pictures & especially not when they are drunk. The ladies ...hmm... maybe I'm the only one, I hope so.

Bottoms -up !!! Merry Christmas !!!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Surprise parties

I pride myself on being a good friend, but I really shit the bed earlier this year. I had completely forgot my buddy's  birthday- to be fair, it's the day after I received the pay check and I wasn't thinking particularly clearly, but I should have left a note for myself. I apologized profusely, but Tabby kept saying, "No, it's fine! " in that high-pitched "I'm still super pissed" voice, so I know I have to make up for it somehow, and then I had an idea.

Everyone expects a surprise party on their birthday, but how many people get one on their half-birthday? Tabby turns 26 and a half last night. I sms all our friends to meet at our usual spot at Clark Quay. Everyone turned up. When Tabby finally arrived 1 hour late, she was really surprised! She thought it's just a normal gathering for drinks.  And thus began apologizing profusely to each of us for being late to her own 'surprise-half-birthday'.
Weird isn't it?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How fattening is a Mooncake?

Tomorrow is the Moon Cake festive. Today my colleague Lee sent all of us this :
I've been feasting on moon cakes for the past week, as many clients & friends have been sending them to me. And I do love them. Now I feel a little guilty after seeing this chart. But after a closer look, I'm beginning to doubt it's credibility. Just look at the fourth line: how can a moon cake with only 2 egg yolks be more fattening than 2 servings of nasi lemak?

We have been debating on the chart the whole day. Most of us questioning it's authenticity & reliability.  Then Lee told us not be be so guilty & defensive. Easy for him to say, he's not on a diet, he has no figure & his wife love him for being him

Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Precious

Some people panic easily. They lose their cool so often and so readily that they'd be well advised to wear it round their neck on a bit of a string, like those old lady's glasses. My uncle though, had never , in all the years I 'd known him, displayed anything remotely resembling anxiety, doubt or fear; not unless you counted the time he'd went nuts when he thought someone stole his pet bird "Precious". My cousin had moved the cage into his room as he wanted to sketch the bird.

Anyway yesterday he appeared at our place at night all white & his eyes kinda huge & wide. It made him look like Gollum on a bad few-remaining-strands-of-hair day. I was thinking... oh no... not that damn bird again! Well it's related. Apparently a new neighbor had moved in & they had been playing some Chinese opera music at odd hours of the day & it's frightening the bird. Ya... I've never of that before. So now, we are bird-sitting his "Precious", while he deal with the neighbors & till everything is resolved.
No this is not Precious but Precious looks like that

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Amazingly gift-from-the gods cheap apartments in Singapore !

A friend's American boy friend is finally coming to Singapore to work. they had been planing for this for ages. First to find a job here, that's not that difficult for him. But what's difficult is getting the 'expatriate package'. No company is offering him that. So...

For the past few days we have been helping her, look for a place to 'house' him.  HDB is out of the question - he'll not survive in the housing estates she claimed. Budget is $2000 for a whole apt for the 2 of them- & it has to be in town. WOW.... if you have been on Earth lately, you'll know she's being delusional. She needs to chip in, & maybe have her head check as well!

Then we saw an ad that says:
1200sq ft in Orchard
$2000 a month.

That got her extremely excited. The whole thing looks suspicious, plus it's lacking much details. $2000 a month in Orchard for a 1200 sq ft apartment ??? It's so amazingly gift-from-the gods cheap that it aroused suspicion. I couldn't imagine what could be wrong with this place, but it had to be something. Maybe there are no walls, maybe it's infested with pests & rats, maybe someone was murdered there. She quickly called & the agent took forever to answer. When she finally did, she just casually said that $2000- is the price for A ROOM in that apartment !!!

For myself, I would love something like this

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Time to practice my empathy skills!

I met an ex-colleague yesterday during lunch. She's one of the reasons why I left my X-company,as she was so difficult to deal with. From afar when I spotted her, I had wanted to take a different route but she saw me & started waving. So, I was forced to say hello. I told myself, time to practice my empathy skills!

Why was she so nasty? The answer does not require much reflection. She has to deal with clients who complained about problems she's powerless to rectify, due to "banks' rules & regulations" also largely to her own inflexible nature . She's also constantly in conflicts with colleagues & sometimes even bosses & even her own spouse. This puts her at increased risk of stroke, heart disease, insomnia & depression. Hmmm.... I suddenly felt sorry for her. Said, "hi" & quickly left ! Remind myself to avoid that area in the future

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bad hang-over after Valentine's Day

I had a bad hang-over after Valentine's Day. OK.... made a bad choice of partying with a group of friends. I was invited by 2 guys (1 colleague & the other a client)) to Valentine's Day dinner. Well I don't know them very well , didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea, so I decided not to accept those 2 invitations.
We discuss these movies in length too

One colleague decided we should hang out during that night to celebrate a big account she just
secured, so we did. One champagne leads to another & before too long we were all half drunk. I was the worst only 2 glasses & I'm done. Goodness, all I could think of are those Hangover movies.

Then the conversation turn from all the lousy Valentine's day dinners we've been to through the years to things that's good for hangovers Hmmm.... a couple of things came out. Someone said honey never ever fails her. Another said 'Cinnamon' & yet another 'yogurt' . That's helpful I was thinking.

Guess what, I finally got home, threw up & went to bed - & totally forgot about that. Next day woke up with a super bad headache, pop 2 panadols & went to work. At work the whole gang continue our list of what's good for hang-overs Just hope I remember the whole list when the time comes! Also I should have accepted one of the 'romantic' dinner invitation, which probably is less harmful

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Is it true, Only old people read newspapers?

Well that's what my new colleague claim. She even told my boss ,straight to his face She's a 90's baby, just turn 21, so my Boss don't even appear angry at her remark. Maybe he thought she's an air-head anyway, why bother to take offense at what she thinks.

But those of us who were there, were shock, not by her remarks (which I do agree in a certain but her insensitive delivery! Frankly, I also felt that the physical newspaper is dying- slowly but surely. Like her , I seriously do not know anyone who reads them anymore- EXCEPT for my granddad, my dad & my boss- they are 70,50 & my boss around 40!

Most of us read everything from our phones right? Or online. My friend said she'll turn on her TV , switch to either CNN or ChannelNews Asia while she do her make-up, eat her breakfast before she goes to work & that's her news for the day- & that's more than enough. Besides ,everything on the news , is mostly bad news anyway. You don't want to spoil your day by knowing who's being bombed or gunned down right? So depressing !

Saturday, January 16, 2016


This is from a teller working somewhere in Europe, her account:

I am a teller at a bank, and I have a nasty hiccup I cannot get rid of. A customer approaches me, having questions about his savings account. He also has a 50 Euro bill in his hand. I answer his questions, while trying to suppress my hiccup. When I hand him his documents he had given me before, he takes them, turns away, then turns back to me.)
Customer: “Where are my €50 notes?”
Me: “You did not hand it to me.”
Customer: “I did give it to you; it was in my savings book.”
(I panic, because our branch is pretty busy, and sometimes I forget things. I look around for the €50, even underneath the service station, but nothing. We argue about the money for a bit, and then he smiles.)
Customer: “Sorry, I have the money. I just needed to scare you a bit to help you get rid of that hiccup.”
(I was staring at him while he proceeded to the cashier to put the money onto his savings account. I was shocked, but he was right: my hiccups were gone!)