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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who's my favorite Avenger? IronMan !!!

Today my colleague sort of went crazy. It's like aliens come down & replaced her with a replica, but the replica is a poor demented version of her. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever know- that's before today! She started snapping at all of us since she came in this morning. Even scolded the cleaning aunty- & you NEVER scold the cleaning aunty, you just don't do that -that's totally being impolite.

I became so convinced of that, that I asked her who's my favorite Avenger. Because I thought, no

IronMan aka Robert Downey Jr
matter how good they made the replica, they wouldn't have gotten that right She got even more annoyed with me & others for asking her that. See... we all have our own favorite Avenger. Mine is naturally IronMan. She refuse to answer us.So..... she could be a replica, we all concluded