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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Should you avoid eating out with friends who are fat ? ..LOL...

Do you think if you have a meal with an over weight friend, you might be influence to eat more?
My colleague swear by it ! She said there's even a study to prove it! I go .....huh....?

This so call study claim that the presence of a fat person derail our intentions to eat 'healthier'. Like all studies, it's rather bias, they can't even pinpoint the reason why. But offhand I can think of some sub-conscious influences on how much people eat:

1)Maybe with company, it's more fun, we are happier, so we eat more.
2)We might encounter cues that might prime us to want to indulge. E.g smells, or what our friends are eating.
3) The food look really delicious & taste even

I think the above 3 reasons makes more sense than just being influence by the size of the eating companion! So don't worry if you are heavy, you are not sabotaging your other However it's still better if you can lose a few kg, just to look good & be healthier :))


  1. Like that die lah..... the fat people would have no one to dine

  2. Being FAT already so SAD, now no one wants to eat with them anymore????
    well not everyone is so heartless. I'm quite heavy & have lots of people lunching with me everyday!!!
    But cute article ,like what you wrote. True I should start going on a diet :))

  3. I have skinny friends who'll eat like crazy. I think eating out with them is worst!

    The point is not the size, what ever size the person is, is just bad eating out with people who eats alot, as we'll get influenced. My 2 cts.

    1. Agree!
      I have this friend who has the habit of ordering surplus amounts of food-always! She herself eats like a bird. Then she'll keep 'telling' us to finish the food. It's getting very annoying!!!
