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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bad hang-over after Valentine's Day

I had a bad hang-over after Valentine's Day. OK.... made a bad choice of partying with a group of friends. I was invited by 2 guys (1 colleague & the other a client)) to Valentine's Day dinner. Well I don't know them very well , didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea, so I decided not to accept those 2 invitations.
We discuss these movies in length too

One colleague decided we should hang out during that night to celebrate a big account she just
secured, so we did. One champagne leads to another & before too long we were all half drunk. I was the worst only 2 glasses & I'm done. Goodness, all I could think of are those Hangover movies.

Then the conversation turn from all the lousy Valentine's day dinners we've been to through the years to things that's good for hangovers Hmmm.... a couple of things came out. Someone said honey never ever fails her. Another said 'Cinnamon' & yet another 'yogurt' . That's helpful I was thinking.

Guess what, I finally got home, threw up & went to bed - & totally forgot about that. Next day woke up with a super bad headache, pop 2 panadols & went to work. At work the whole gang continue our list of what's good for hang-overs Just hope I remember the whole list when the time comes! Also I should have accepted one of the 'romantic' dinner invitation, which probably is less harmful

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Is it true, Only old people read newspapers?

Well that's what my new colleague claim. She even told my boss ,straight to his face She's a 90's baby, just turn 21, so my Boss don't even appear angry at her remark. Maybe he thought she's an air-head anyway, why bother to take offense at what she thinks.

But those of us who were there, were shock, not by her remarks (which I do agree in a certain but her insensitive delivery! Frankly, I also felt that the physical newspaper is dying- slowly but surely. Like her , I seriously do not know anyone who reads them anymore- EXCEPT for my granddad, my dad & my boss- they are 70,50 & my boss around 40!

Most of us read everything from our phones right? Or online. My friend said she'll turn on her TV , switch to either CNN or ChannelNews Asia while she do her make-up, eat her breakfast before she goes to work & that's her news for the day- & that's more than enough. Besides ,everything on the news , is mostly bad news anyway. You don't want to spoil your day by knowing who's being bombed or gunned down right? So depressing !